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The unique Investment Package to provide the needs for the growing global number of people  who want to recharge their spiritual batteries or to surrender to their spiritual while joining us for a stay in our unique spa retreat ?  Please watch our slide show and then read more about our future plans and aims and how you can be part of this exciting venture.

Treatments: Aromatherapy *Acupuncture *Acupressure *Aeromancy *Alexander Method *Art therapy *Bach Flower Remedies *Chinese Medicine *Chiropractic *Chakra healing *Guided meditation *Herbalism *Homoeopathy *Hypnotism *Music therapy *NLP *Osteopathy *Occupational therapy *Psychic Healing *Psychoanalysis *Reflexology *Reiki *Shiatsu and *Yoga.
Those interested can also study and learn more about :-
*Aeromancy *Alchemy *AMORC *The Assassins *Astrology *Architecture *Bereavement*Bibliomancy *Bildeberg *Birth*Cabalism *Capnomancy *The Cathars *Cartomancy *Chinese face reading *Christian heresies *Clairvoyancy *Cleidomancy *Conspiracy theory *Cosmic Law *Creation *Crystal Gazing *Death *Dice*Diet *Dismissals *Divining *Do's and Don'ts *Dreams *Drugs and Artificial stimulants *Edible Fortunes *Egypt *Elements and thought forms *Ethics *Evil *Exorcisms *Financial Development *First psychic steps * Fortunes in faces *Freemasonry *Geomancy *Ghosts *Gnosticism *Golden Dawn *Graphology *Handwriting *Hermes Trismegistus *Holy Grail *Hydromancy *I Ching *The Illuminati *Initiation*Knights Templar *Lots *Magick *Magic Mirrors *Mind over matter *Mithraism *Modern mystery *Necromancy *Neo-platonism *Numerology *Occultism *Occult Laws *Occult ranks *Omens and Symbols *Palmistry *Pen and Paper divination *Personal and God symbols *PersonalDevelopment *Phrenology *Precious Stones *Proper Recognitions *Prophetic Bones *Psychic Aids *Psychic Awareness *Psychic Development *Psychic work in practice *Psychometry *Pythagoras *Pyromancy *Readings *Radiesthesia *Reincarnation theory *Rituals *Rosicrucians *Runes *Secret Societies *Sex, Marriage and Relating *soul mates *Stones *Sufism *Tarot *Water *Wind *Witch Hunts and *Zoroastrianism.
As well as the treatments guests and volunteers are also offered psychiatric help to help them deal with addiction, depression and a range of other problems that they may have. Our child psychiatrist also helps adults with parenting problems that they may have or simply give them a respite break while their children are professionally occupied in our crèche which is close but not too close to those enjoying a relaxing experience. Education is an essential part of any stay and guests also have the opportunity to study personal and psychic development as well as being able to study how to become a therapist themselves.  Amongst treatments and courses to offer in our Rainbow Ashram our market research has shown that we can finance our humanitarian activities by educating those who wish to know more of the above mystical teachings. Whether as a resident or as a guest of our village we look forward to welcoming you at one of our Ashram villages and for those not having time we look forward to hearing from you as virtual guests.
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